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The Power of Soul Purpose ~ 6 Questions to Discover Your Soul Purpose

Jul 29, 2022 06:35AM ● By Linda Sulvita
Linda Sulvita sitting on a rock overlooking the ocean

Linda Sulvita

Who am I, and why am I here? Am I on the right path? What is my Soul purpose? These are the most common questions we ask ourselves when we are on a quest for deeper meaning or fulfillment. If we are willing to embrace the ongoing process of self-discovery, we can create a sense of clarity and empowerment no matter where we are on life’s journey. Here are six questions we can ask ourselves to help reveal our own answers within.
1. What is my greatest void?
During our upbringing, we experience one or more unmet needs from one or more of our major caregivers. This perpetuates a feeling of void. It is an inevitable part of the human condition where the unhealed pain of one generation is projected onto the next.
This void creates a deep yearning to fulfill our unmet needs. It could be a void of love, joy, freedom or someone’s presence, for example. It is our deepest pain point that is unique to our life circumstances. This fuels our quest for fulfillment.
2. What is my greatest barrier to filling this void?
Our greatest barrier is the doorway or catalyst to our healing and transformation. It reveals the major obstacle or challenge we must overcome to fill our void. This quest often begins by placing the responsibility on our loved ones to meet our needs for us. But this perpetuates a sense of powerlessness.
When we give ourselves permission to take responsibility and ownership of healing our void within, we become a liberator rather than a saboteur of our Soul fulfillment.
3. Which of my Soul gifts were awakened or developed as a result of this barrier?
In order to overcome our greatest barrier, we intuitively develop a keen sense and ability of one or more of our unique Soul gifts. As we own our gift(s), we empower our ability to heal or transform our own lives so that we are no longer victims of our void.
Instead, we can utilize our unique gifts to become the creator of our new reality and most desired results. At this level of self-empowerment, our quest for fulfillment is now fueled by joy instead of pain.
4. What types of people could benefit from or resonate most with my gifts?
These people often experience similar pain points and desires that resonate with our upbringing, life transitions or major life experiences. We recognize them when we feel a strong connection to what they stand for or feel intuitively drawn to connect with them in some way.
Whether we are aware of the impact or not, these people help us fuel or fulfill our Soul purpose. They may enter our lives to receive or empower our gifts through a mutual exchange, collaboration, life lesson or blessing, for example.
5. What impact would I love to make on the lives of others who could benefit most from my gifts?
Awareness of our desired impact helps us harness the power of intention and opens us up to a greater Soul mission beyond personal fulfillment. It helps us develop a sense of legacy and remember our why. This fuels our passion and commitment to keep going, especially when faced with road bumps or a loss of momentum along the way.
6. How would I love to share my gifts in a way that brings me joy now?
This clarity reveals the focus that is needed to structure action steps that light our Souls. This allows us to act from a state of joy, liberation and inspiration rather than force, obligation or desperation. When we focus on joy in the present moment as the basis of our fulfillment, we allow ourselves to be more creative, productive, receptive, decisive and committed. All of these qualities are necessary to share our gifts with clarity and confidence.
As our desires continue to evolve, our answers will evolve as well. We may discover valuable areas in our lives that call for our healing and transformation. Or we may experience aha moments that allow us to own our Soul purpose and value the impact we are already making now. Wherever we are on life’s journey, we can be assured that the “right” path is the one that brings us joy now.
Intuitive hypnotherapist Linda Sulvita facilitates self-healing and self-empowerment for spiritual seekers, lightworkers, healers, empaths and intuitives through spiritual hypnosis. Specializing in soul guidance, ancestral healing, emotional release and past-life regressions, she helps her clients embody the transformation they seek in their spiritual mission/business, relationships or Soul purpose. From the comfort of their own homes, clients can work with her remotely via Zoom. For more information, visit