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Sound and Light Therapy ~ Energy Healing at a Cellular Level

Sep 29, 2023 06:35AM ● By Jean Hanson
Harmonic Egg.

Harmonic Egg.

We all have within us the ability to heal, and we believe this to be true for the small things, such as healing a cut or healing a broken bone; however, most of us have a hard time accepting the fact that we can heal from an illness or disease.

Part of the problem is that we are all waiting for cures to be developed. So instead of being proactive with our own health, we rely on temporary “fixes” that make us temporarily feel better.

But what is the alternative? For many, it’s energy. And there are many forms of energy healing—some of which are very well accepted in today’s society. It took a while, but acupuncture, which is a form of energy healing, is widely accepted now. Reiki is another form of energy healing that is becoming more and more common—even in healthcare facilities. Many nurses are now becoming reiki practitioners.

How Does Energy Heal?

First, we must realize that we are all made of energy. We are not solid matter, even though it may seem that way. As energy passes through our body, our cells respond. Some people have experienced this response during energy healing sessions in the form of tingling or twitching in the body. This cellular response to sound and light waves indicates a physical response to energy. And a physical response is when you begin to put yourself into the mindset that your body can heal itself. This is important because if we don’t believe our bodies can heal themselves, then it’s most likely not going to happen.

Life Force Energy is Healing Energy

You may have heard the phrase “life force energy” when learning about energy healing modalities. But what exactly is life force energy and where does it come from?

Each of us has within us life force energy. This is the energy that responds to energy healing. So, no matter if you receive the energy healing from an energy healing practitioner, a modality such as biofield tuning or the Harmonic Egg, you are receiving varying degrees of energy.

What makes sound and light therapy so powerful are the frequencies of sound and light that are focused on your intention. Sound and light frequencies travel easily through water. This is why you may experience tingling during a session since we humans are made up of mostly water. Other sensations you may experience include mild twitching or a sense of energy running through your body.

Why Does Sound and Light Therapy Work So Well?

The primary reason sound and light therapy works so well is because your body is in an enclosed space, which is optimal for healing. The most effective sound and light therapy modalities are those that are customized for each client. Different colors have different effects on the body. Yellow, for example, is often used for skin conditions, while blue can be used for stress.

Sound in the form of music is very healing. But most people don’t know that different instruments have different effects on the different organs, glands and systems of the body. Flute, for example, is good for calming anger, while didgeridoo is good for bones. The combination of light and sound together means you get the benefits of both in one session, instead of having to do each separately.

Sound and light therapy has been used for energetic healing for thousands of years, but over time new remedies were discovered that eventually led to the advancement of modern medicine. Unfortunately, sound and light therapy was soon forgotten, until this new resurgence in recent years.

Sound and light therapy isn’t meant to replace modern medicine. But for those people looking for alternative ways to heal energetically, sound and light therapy is a powerful solution.

Jean Hanson is co-owner of Realign Your Life Wellness Center, in Mesa, which features the Harmonic Egg, a sound and light therapy chamber. She is also the author of Trust Your Higher Guidance: Align Your Life to Manifest the Joy and Success You Deserve. For more information, call 480-306-7321 or visit
