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Using the PRAYER Process to Find the Good in Life

Nov 30, 2017 04:48PM ● By KC Miller

There is a simple process that, if used regularly, can create ease and grace in our life and help ensure we are manifesting the things that are for our highest and best good. The process is the acronym PRAYER.

Pause – Each time we take a moment to center and ground ourselves we are actually in prayer. Yes, to pause is to pray.

Reflect – Move the mind back to reflect upon and embrace all that has crossed our path with gratitude, calling some of what has shown up in our life a "blesson"; a combination of blessings and lessons. We can reflect forward in our mind to what we want to call into our life. Call in the good. Yes, ask for what we want to manifest in our life.

Ask – When we pause and ask, we will get answers. It's as simple as that. Ask and we will receive answers, especially when we realize that the answers come when there is space, that pause we have created, for us to receive intuitive or kinesthetic answers. We may hear a soft knowing voice or we may get "confirmation bumps" on our skin, alerting us to a divine presence. Or, it is possible we will begin to see encoded messages once we understand that answers show up visually if we are looking for them, in the form of license plates, billboards or even words in a book.

Yoke – Align and yoke with what will bring us a clear yes. When it feels light, it is right.

Everyday – Practice pausing, reflecting, asking and yoking with the greatest knowing. Even Albert Einstein said we cannot solve problems from the same level by which they were created. Yoke to a higher intelligence or the greater knowing we personally possess and can access when we pause.

Repeat – The process of prayer is a practice. Once we embrace the PRAYER process and regularly "call in the good", good, if not great, things show up.

KC Miller is the founder of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts and has used the PRAYER Process for more than 25 years. For more information, visit