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Stress is a Major Factor in Wellness and Longevity: Vulnerability can be a strength for men, says Sherry Anshara of QuantumPathic Center

May 31, 2012 09:37PM ● By Sherry Anshara

Stress is a slow killer of men. Traditional social stereotypes that expect men to “suck it up” and pretend that they are tough can also make them sick and unproductive. Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and unexplainable aches and pains aren’t just women’s issues; they are all related to autoimmune disorders. When the body is stressed out, gender has nothing to do with it. Stress can affect men at any age.

Edward Hallowell, M.D., founder of the Hallowell Center, in Sudbury, Massachusetts, states, "Men notoriously have trouble putting their feelings into words. They bottle things up, so they're more subject to the damages of stress." Men are not supposed to be vulnerable, but looking at it from a different viewpoint, vulnerability might turn out to be an asset for them.

By seeing vulnerability as strength, a man can begin to address his body’s stress, both emotionally and physically. When men allow themselves to be vulnerable, they can get away from old, macho clichés of manliness and address from a clear standpoint that stress is hurting their bodies. By being more vulnerable, men are more willing to look at the causes of the stress without denying or suppressing them. When they are more willing to accept that their bodies are in physical and emotional pain, they can let go of ignoring and resisting what is happening around them. When they are vulnerable, men can allow their inner voices to talk about the stress and its effects without feeling weak and less manly.

By contrast, fragility is the emotional and physical weakness and emotional attachment to old ideas about strength and toughness. It is the body becoming weak and exhausted from holding on to stress, which leads to immune issues in the body. When the body is fragile, illness, sickness and disease occur. The body’s immune system is weakened and you get sick.

According to Dr. Kenneth Muhich, founder of Stetson Chiropractic Clinic, in Scottsdale, “Stress prematurely ages men. Stress reduces men’s ability to digest and process food correctly, leading to weight gain and obesity.”

Here is some stress-busting advice from Dr. Alvin Swimmer, a professor of mathematics at Arizona State University. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, at least five times, using and expanding your entire diaphragm. Stop thinking about the causes of your stress and get out of your head. Picture a peaceful location for yourself. Relax into your picture—it is your personal picture. Consider your position in the universal scheme of things. From your inside out, you will feel the difference when you let go of stress.

Men need to take charge of their stress before stress takes control of their lives. It is okay to address stress in clear, practical ways by allowing the ego to acknowledge emotions and your feelings. It is okay to accept that stress is affecting the body’s health and well-being. Stress is not an identity.

For example, the QuantumPathic Energy Method teaches men how to de-stress and implement practical tools for healthy everyday living. It just takes practice, like anything else. The more men get out of their head and get connected to their body, the easier life, relationships and work becomes.

Sherry Anshara, a medical intuitive, is the founder of the QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness and the QuantumPathic Energy Method. She is the author of The Age of Inheritance, the Activation of the 13 Chakras. Contact her at 480-609-0874 or