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ThetaHealing Classes in Phoenix

Suzanne Roloff, a master ThetaHealing teacher, is offering classes in October and November. The basic class will be held from November 9 to 11, to learn the basics of ThetaHealing, connect with the Creator of All That Is and the Theta Brainwave state to co-create healings.

An Advanced ThetaHealing class, from November 16 to 18, teaches how to heal the broken soul or heart and clear the sadness and sorrow from the heart. A Manifesting and Abundance class, November 22 and 23, focuses on how to manifest what we want in our life and clear any blocks.

A three-week Intuitive Anatomy class starts October 21, taking participants very deep into healing and becoming comfortable with seeing inside the body. Roloff will offer a ThetaHealing practice day class on November 14, open to anyone that has taken the Basic ThetaHealing class. There is also an eight-day Power Workshop happening December in Sedona.

For more information, email [email protected] or visit