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Marconics Seminar Represents the Leading Edge of Spiritual Evolution: These upcoming classes will help enable participants to enter full waking consciousness.

Dec 24, 2015 08:03AM ● By By Martin Miron

The Spiritual Alchemy and Marconics Healing Seminar, to be held from February 20 to 24 in Prescott, will prepare and empower participants to break through the thinning dimensional fabric into full waking consciousness. They will become anchors for these frequencies on the planet, helping others, friends and families via entrainment to shed the old paradigm and embrace the new.

Alison David Bird, C.Ht, the originator of Marconics Energy Protocols, states, “Marconics Energy is a form of radio astronomy that has been made available to us by the galactic hierarchy to aid our healing and awakening to higher consciousness, in the next wave of human evolution. Our planet is ascending into higher dimensions.”

In order that we can survive and exist in new and expanded states of consciousness, our physical bodies must apparently be prepared for higher vibrations. They must be recalibrated, like a finely tuned instrument that was designed for a specific purpose, but is now being re-tasked. “As the ascension progresses, we are coming into alignment with higher versions of our selves existing in new dimensions,” says Bird. “By integrating these energies fully into our physical bodies, we become a blended essence of our human self and our divine self in the new, fifth-dimensional human 3.0 template.”

Bird believes that Marconics – the Human Upgrade, releases people from their density by triggering a new 21-chakra system, activating the multidimensional template and enhancing the next level of lightbody as we evolve into multidimensional beings, able to access new dimensions of higher consciousness.

Location: The New Awareness Institute, 119 Grove Ave., Ste. D., Prescott. For more information, visit